Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Aaron Bennett - Fall Is Here

Well summer is over and it flew by so amazingly fast. Deer season has started here in Missouri and the Reconyx cameras are starting to light up with bucks coming out of their velvet! This year I have several bucks that I recognize from last year on my property that I lease from the Hunting Lease Network. Despite the severe drought we experienced here in the Midwest, the antler growth has been very good! Hopefully I will be able to put a Rage in the side of one of these big boys! Besides, it would only be justice after all the time spent this summer filling feeders, hanging stands, and putting up blinds in 100 degree weather….


Even though it is almost October, I have talked to several people that still don't have a hunting spot lined up yet for this fall. If that describes your situation, I highly recommend checking out the Hunting Lease Network! They have many quality farms still available for this fall. The Hunting Lease Network has a wide variety of property sizes and prices to fit your needs whether you are hunting alone, or with a group of friends. If you ever wanted to have your own personal place to hunt now is the time!

Safe Hunting


Monday, October 1, 2012

Tom Ware - EHD Update

EHD UPDATE: September 28th, 2012

My buddy and I decided to walk the major creek that travels through my Iowa farm in Decatur County!  We have an east wind that will prevent all of our scent from blowing into the major timber on my farm.

We were hoping to find nothing but somehow I knew that we were going to find something when we parked the truck and on top of the bridge sat a Turkey Vulture!  

We actually made it over a mile and near the end before we saw the dead buck from about 50 yards. I had no idea of the size of him until I walked up on him and pulled his rack up out of the water and moss around it. He was a GIANT!  Probably close to 190 inches.

My emotions were overflowing. To be honest part of me wanted to cry. We spend countless hours and way too much money trying to grow these giant deer and then Mother Nature harvests them shortly before our season even opens. It is a sad day. All I can hope is that he is the only one...but I know we will find many more...especially come spring!  I'm praying for a strong frost to help these deer.  They don't deserve this terrible disease!

Tom Ware