Friday, August 29, 2008

J.J. Kolesar - Back 2 School

Well, the season is rapidly approaching, and Kyle and I are trying every tactic in our bow-hunting arsenal to spot some giant whitetails. Currently, we have been catching some beautiful bucks on our new Reconyx Cameras (which are wonderful by the way). The key is where will old mossy horns be when he sheds his velvet? This is a question that always seems to puzzle us in October.

The summer has ended and school is officially underway, so I guess it is back to reality. Between classes and football practices, we try to get our glasses out and see if we can put any pieces of the puzzle together. We are in the midst of dicing up some soil for our fall food plots. Kyle and I are going to experiment with some deep woods hunting plots in hopes to get closer to a bruiser during daylight hours. We will see how it goes. Hope everyone is doing well. Have a great season! See you all in a few weeks.
Thanks, J.J. & Kyle

1 comment:

bneff said...

Hey JJ, Just a quick shout out to you and Kyle. Good luck this year and email me some pics when you get "old mossy horns".---Ben Neff