Thursday, July 23, 2009

Kyle Lamore - Plantin' A New Plot

Summer...and the living is good for a teacher this time of year! Despite the fact that deer season closed here in Illinois 6 months ago, JJ Kolesar and myself have been working towards the upcoming season ever since.

This past off season, we started putting in a new 2.5 acre foot plot..while that might sound easy, the fact that over 600 trees called this home for the last 15 years didnt help matters. We spent every spare minute cutting, dragging, and burning trees since neither of us owns a bulldozer!

Last week was the easy part--the planting. With plenty of rain latey, we are crossing our fingers that this "buffet" of a food plot, with Biologic's Maximum and Full Draw, along with some soybeans will be the ticket this fall! Trail cameras are out and season cannot get here fast enough for us!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Steve "Coon Dog" Coon - Burnin' Up!

Ok boys weather broke from the extreme heat and it's time to get back on the food plots. Missouri farm is done and now it's time to head to Illinois. Joe and I have our food plts tucked away in the CRP fields, but that just makes it a little extra work.

Once the fields were sprayed, the dead grass is so high, so before you can put a disc to them, it's time to burn. So with the weather cooling down a bit, what else but turn up the heat. With a little breeze it was time to put a match to work and it didn't take long and we were on the tractor turning dirt.So the game plan this year is to work the dirt June, July and in August disc the dirt one more time and put the Bio-Logic in the ground and then watch them come. It's a lot of work throughout the summer, but once you're in the Big Game Tree Stand and that shooter buck walks in, you know all your hard work has paid off.

Joe and I will try to keep you up to date on how our planting season goes and with any luck the 2009 Deadly Combination Team will have another deadly year.

Thank you from Joe and Coon Dog for supporting us at Drury Outdoors.